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Monday, August 20, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

Herein lie the musings of one high school language arts teacher, musings to share with her students as they all take an adventure into Web 2.0 writing land.

I believe that one must be a writer in order to teach others to write. That is why I write alongside my students, so I may be fully engaged in the process as a writer, able to help them navigate it (and they help me navigate writing too!).

I aim to write every single day in my writer's notebook. I don't always achieve that, but opening up space in my life to write is important. The more I do this, the more I look at my world through the eyes of a writer, and the more I find I have to write about. When I have a regular writing practice in play, I collect stories all day to write about and can't wait to sit down and write. But I lose this when I don't write every day.

Why do we write? Well, to be heard mainly. To know we exist in the cacophony of our world. To think things through. To use words to add substance to our thoughts, to make the amorphous more concrete. To explore. To wonder. To create. Why do you write? (leave thoughts in the comments below)