Your short stories are seriously awesome. I'm glad now I'm not the only one who gets to read them...
With a sooty rag he scrubbed away at the filmy glass, and sneezed a few times in the process. (Alex W, 6th)
He had now been walking the basement for hours. (Jack B, 3rd)
A sigh escapes her. A breath of fog appears on the window, clouding the morning. With trembling fingers, she removes the key from the ignition. A beat, a pause, and she sits, her fingers clenched around the solidity. (Annabel N, 1st)
I looked out my window to see my grandma sitting in the back of a red convertible with hot red flames painted across the sides. (Ben G, 1st)
It was November of 2006. She woke up to the bright glimmers of the snow slowly seeping through her window. Friday, she thought to herself. It’s Friday. Something was tugging at her. She couldn’t put her finger on it. (Molly S., 3rd)
Once upon a time there was a girl named Victoria. Wait, let me start over. The beginning is used in fairy tales and this isn't close to one. (Karina R, 6th)
The kiddos loved drawing so damn much that they started anunderground Draw Club.
1st rule of Draw Club, Don’t talk about Draw Club
2nd rule of Draw Club, (You get the joke) (Dan W, 6th)
It’s high noon in a small, generic western town. (Robert C, 3rd)
He winked at me as I boarded the train and passed through the men’s section to the back of the bus where my wife was waiting for me. (Hannah K, 3rd)
Today, I found a cave. Not just any cave. This one is darker than anything I have seen in my life. (Keenan D, 6th)
Liz had been alone for ten months now. (Jordan R, 1st)
1st rule of Draw Club, Don’t talk about Draw Club
2nd rule of Draw Club, (You get the joke) (Dan W, 6th)
The mothership took off with my brothers and sisters and they just left me behind. (Josh B, 3rd)