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Monday, January 5, 2015

I Heart Mini Habits

So I read this blog post over break.

And I learned about the power of the mini habit.

You should read the blog post so you get the guy's story about how this all came about, but the idea is that instead of putting before yourself these huge goals that feel unachievable sometimes and that make you feel bad when you don't succeed with them, set smaller, more achievable goals.

Mini ones.

Here are my current mini habits:
  • Write ONE sentence each day toward my book project.
  • Read ONE paragraph each day during my morning oatmeal from a professional book about teaching.
  • Choose not to go to Facebook ONCE per day.
  • Read ONE paragraph is a book for me each day.
These little teeny tiny goals are easy for me to achieve each day. And when I achieve them, I feel successful. Feeling success breeds more success. 

On most days, I end up doing more than the mini goal. I'll write several paragraphs, or read several pages, or save lots of time I would have previously wasted in Facebook land. 

But doing more is not the goal. The goal is doing the mini habit, every day. 

I'm a believer. You should try this too!

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